Product outline

A full-scale weighing indicator developed exclusively for measuring system.
  • Setting values can be stored in each of the 100 kinds of codes so that code selection and measuring can be conveniently performed.
  • Excellent operability
    Function-prioritized key input and Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) tube for improved visibility.
  • Direct PLC connection
    CC-Link and DeviceNet interface.
  • High resolution
    1/10000 resolution at all input range is assured.


Structure of product code



Analog section
Excitation voltage DC 10 V±5%, Output current; within 120 mA
Remote sense type(Up to 4 350 Ω load cells can be connected in parallel)
Zero adjustment range 0 to approx. 2 mV/V
Rough adjustment: Digitally controlled by rough adjustment circuit.
Fine adjustment: Automatic adjustment by digital processing.
Span adjustment range 0.3 to 2.0 mV/V
Rough adjustment: Digitally controlled by rough adjustment circuit.
Fine adjustment: Automatic adjustment by digital processing.
Min. input sensitivity 0.3 μV/count
Accuracy Non-linearity: within 0.01% FS (Typ. 0.005% FS at room temperature)
Zero drift: within 0.1 μV/°C RTI (Typ. 0.08 μV/°C)
Gain drift: within 15 ppm/°C (Typ. 5 ppm/°C)
Noise: within 0.1 μVp-p RTI (0.1 to 10 Hz)
Analog filter Bessel type low-pass filter (-12 dB/oct.),
Selectable from 2, 4, 6, 8 Hz
A/D converter Speed: 100 times/sec.(10 mS)
Resolution: 16 bit (binary)
Setting section
Setting method ・ Keyboard operation (keyboard with a key click buzzer)
・ External setting is available by installing RS-232C option
Setting value storage ・ Initial set values: NOV RAM (Non-volatile RAM)
・ Other set values: C-MOS RAM with backup of a lithium battery
(Effective for more than 5 years depending on usage conditions and storage environment)
Setting value protection Setting operation can be locked to prevent unauthorized modifications of default values and calibration by malfunction (LOCK)
Setting item ・ Calibration: Zero calibration/ Span calibration/Balance weight value/ Capacity/ Min. scale division/ Over Net/ Over Gross/ Display frequency/ Decimal point/ 1/4 Scale display ON/OFF/ Unit/ Gravitational acceleration compensation
・ Comparative setting1: SP1/ SP2/ CPS/ Final/ Under/ Over/ AFF reg/ Compensation input timer
・ Comparative setting2: Near zero/ Lo/ Hi/ Preset tare weight/ Comparison inhibit time/ Judging time/ Compare time/ Discharging time/ AZ time/ Judging times/ Sequence mode
・ Function setting: Digital filter/ Motion Detection/ Weighing function1/ Weighing function2/ Weighing function3/ Function key inhibited/ RS-232C/ ID number setting/ Analog filter/ Zero tracking/ Measurement law/ Extended selection1

Display section
Display unit Eight (8) digits, 12 mm Original Vacuum Fluorescent Display
Display 5 digits Sign: Minus sign on most significant digit
Unit Selectable from g, kg, t, N, none
Display frequency Selectable from 3, 6, 13, 25 times/sec. (internal 100 times/sec.)
Status display SET / LOCK / HOLD / Z.ALM / STAB. / TARE / NET / GROSS / RUN / HI / LO / NEAR Z. / SP1 / SP2 / SP3 / OVER / GO / UNDER / COMPL / D.CHG / AFC
Set value display CODE / FINAL /OVER / UNDER / SP1 / SP2 / CPS
External signal
Output signal
Near zero / SP1 / SP2 / SP3 / under / go / over / complete / discharge / Lo / Hi / stable / weight error / error / final error / RUN
Transistor open collector output (Emitter = COM terminal)
Output is set to LO when transistor is ON.
Vceo = 30 V (max), Ic = 120 mA (max)
Input signal
Gross or net / digital zero / tare on / tare reset / hold or judge / feed or discharge / accumulation command / accumulation clear / code setting / start / stop / discharge command / compulsory discharge command / discharge gate open / discharge gate close / code assign selection
Set to ON when shorted to COM terminal through contact point (relay, switch etc.) or non-contact point (transistor, open collector output such as TTL etc.)
Ic = 10 mA or lower
Please inquire from our sales office for the combination of options that can be installed.
SIF 2-wire type serial interface (standard)
CCL CC-Link interface (Option)
ODN DeviceNet interface (Option)
BCO BCD parallel data output interface (Option)
BCI BCD parallel data input interface (Option)
DAC D/A converter (Option)
485 RS-485 communication interface (Option)
232 RS-232C communication interface (Optional)

General specifications
Power supply voltage AC 85 to 110 V, 102 to 132 V, 170 to 220 V, 187 to 242 V (Please specify when ordering)
50/60 Hz
Power consumption 14 VA typ.
Operating conditions Operation temperature: -10°C to +40°C
Storage temperature: -40 to +80°C
Humidity: 85% RH or less (non-condensing)
External dimension 130(W)×207(H)×150(D) mm (Not including projections)
Weight Approx. 3 kg
AC input cord (Nominal rating 125 V) 2 m 1
Spare fuse (1 A) 1
Mini driver 1
Load cell input connector (JR connector) 1
57 series 50p connector 1
Operation manual 1
CC-Link connector (when CC-Link option is selected) 1
DeviceNet connector (when DeviceNet output option is selected) 1
BCD output connector (when BCD output option is selected) 1
BCD input connector (when BCD input option is selected) 1
Optional accessories
CAAC2P-P2 AC input cord 2 m (Same as the attachment)
CAAC3P-P2 AC input cord 2 m
CAAC3P-CEE7/7-P1.5 AC input cord (voltage resistance: 250 V) 1.5 m
CN3P-2P 3P-2P converter plug for AC input cord
CA4131 (6-wired) cable with JR connector at one end 3 m
CA4230 JR-PRC (6-wired) conversion relay cable 0.3 m
CA4311 JR-PRC (6-wired) conversion relay cable 1 m (4-wired to 6-wired) (for 520A)
CN10 Load cell connector (JR connector) (Same as the attachment)
CN21 BCD input/ output connector
CN22 57 series 50p connector for external input/output
(Same as the attachment)
CN35 D-sub25p connector for RS-232C
CN71 CC-Link connector
CN72 Double row connector for CC-Link
CND01 DeviceNet connector


Model Interface
(Optional slot・・・3: Please refer to the following table for the combination that can be installed.)
CCL CC-Link interface
ODN DeviceNet interface
BCO BCD parallel data output interface
BCI BCD parallel data input interface
DAC D/A converter
485 RS-485 communication interface
232 RS-232C communication interface

(Ref.) Assortment of options

Number of install OP BCD OUT
Number of install OP BCD OUT

Please note that there are possibilities of individual differences in a color tone on display devices such as LEDs, fluorescent display tubes and LCDs due to manufacturing process or production lots.



Product catalogue(PDF)
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Operation manual(PDF)
External dimension
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